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Takara introduces two new Breezy Singers

“Songbirds” Round out Takara’s Collection of Articulated, Chirping Birds

Feeling ‘caged’ in this winter? Well a little bird told us, two new Breezy Singers have joined the flock of lifelike songbirds from Takara and these birds of a feather will turn your home into an animated indoor aviary. The Scarlet Tanager and the Common Yellowthroat round out the collection of eight mechanically articulated songbirds that chirp in their natural “voice” when you approach.

So intent on making these birds as lifelike as possible, Takara has fitted each beautifully carved bird with a microchip of real bird sounds obtained from the Cornell School of Ornithology so the chirping you hear are actual live recordings of each particular type of bird. Each Breezy Singer comes with a built-in on/off switch so you can admire your finely feathered friends without the sound feature.

Fitted with a motion sensor, the Breezy Singers sit quietly until someone is near. The birds then tilt their heads inquisitively, bob their tails, and greet visitors with a chorus of delightful chirps, each one unique to the particular bird. In other words, you will immediately recognize that an American Robin sounds decidedly different from a Northern Cardinal.

Joining the American Robin, Northern Cardinal, Eastern Bluebird, Blue Jay, American Goldfinch and Yellow Warbler are the newly added Scarlet Tanager and Common Yellowthroat. For bird lovers, we have included some descriptive information about our latest additions to the Breezy Singer collection.

Scarlet Tanager

The beautiful and beloved Scarlet Tanager is found in deciduous forests throughout eastern North America and subsist on insects, buds, and fruit. Females and immature males are of olive color. Some birdwatchers describe their song as “an American Robin singing with a sore throat.” Scarlet Tanagers spend the winter in Central and South America.

Common Yellowthroat

Sometimes referred to as “the bandit bird” for its black mask, the Common Yellowthroat is found throughout North America. Listen for its loud, distinctive song ringing out from the dense vegetation they inhabit in wetlands, prairies, and pine forests. Females and immature Common Yellowthroats do not sport the black mask.

Breezy Singers operate on three LR44 batteries.

Breezy Singers from Takara…definitely not the same old song!

See the new Breezy Singers! »

Pat Cassano